Robert Mayer

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Analog obsession

Robert Mayer
Turntables carved from stone

Robert Mayer is a brand under which we design and manufacture high-quality turntables with original design in Slovakia. The primary materials used in their production are stone, combined with noble metals and acrylic glass. In line with the best traditions of the high-end category, all turntables are manual and belt-driven. We pay extraordinary attention to the turntable's bearing system.

All models feature height-adjustable legs made of stainless steel and ceramic balls. Since the type of stone, metal, and color of acrylic glass are customized according to the customer's preferences, each piece produced is unique.

Robert Mayer turntables are unique, just as analog sound is unique. Analog sound may not be better than digital sound, certainly not worse, but undoubtedly different. And so are Robert Mayer turntables. In the endless array of digital products, in the pursuit of higher resolution, lower distortion, greater storage capacity, the act of listening to music itself takes a back seat. We have terabytes of music on servers that we probably will never listen to. Listening to vinyl records brings us back to the experience of music as the artist intended. Without fast-forwarding, without skipping tracks, without random selections, but with an understanding of the artistic sensibilities of the creator.


Contact us


Robert Mayer
Robert Mayer

Fittich Ost, s. r. o.

Južná trieda 74

040 01 Košice

Slovak Republic

© 2023, Fittich Ost, s. r. o., All rights reserved